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Trying To Learn To Code For Free In 2022? Follow These 5 Programmers

Want To Learn To Code For Free?

Whether out of want or out of necessity you have decided you are going to learn computer programming and try to get a job in 2022. Welcome to the code gang 🤪! and to help you on your self-funded self-directed journey I will be giving you 5 coders you need to follow! Each and every one of these developers provides quality content and resources that can help you learn faster.

Tae’lur Alexis

Tae’lur is a self-taught developer who specializes in Python, Javascript and Rust. I have personally known Tae’lur for years and she is one of my best friends and one of the smartest people I know. She also has her own website you should check out!

Tae’lur Alexis gives a balanced timeline of personal and tech

Coding Phase

A streamer I have followed on Youtube for years. Coding Phase has a great personality and breaks things down in a digestible way. You can check out his website at

Coding Phase has over 50k+ Students Worldwide!

Sarah Drasner

Sarah Drasner is a powerhouse in the developer community. She is a Vue.js and CSS goddess (her animations are beyond amazing). She has worked for companies such as Google, Netlify, Microsoft and Zillow! Her website can be accessed at

Danny Thompson

Danny is a public speaker and developer who runs a newsletter teaching you how to code and land jobs in the market!

Jyrone Parker

Okay so this last one is a cheat but hey if you are not following me on Twitter you slipping! I have been a senior software engineer at companies such as: Apple, Dell, Sephora and GE! I taught myself how to code and even went into semi retirement off my apps!

My timeline 😀

Learning To Code Will Be Essenitial In 2022

As pandemic comes to a close and the world is opening up, companies are looing to recoup loses from last 2 years. This includes cutting in house costs with automation. If you currently work in a career that can be automated, you should really consider upgrading your skillset so you won’t be fired by a piece of software. If you are teaching yourself to code on a budget, these accounts can give you a plethora of resources to aid your journey. Check out some of my products to help you along for a more advanced learning experience.

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