What Is Git?
Before we actually get to installing git, allow me to tell you what it is and why it is so useful to know it. Git is a distributed version control system, used to create small and large applications. It allows multiple people, whether they are developers, designers, or who else to work on the project simultaneously without interfering with each other’s work. It’s even useful for solo projects as you can track your progress and revert back if you ever need to. Let’s take the following example:
Git has a concept of every one having their own local git repository. This means there is a main project somewhere on a remote server. When it comes time for a new developer to come onto the project they “clone” the remote repository onto their local machine. This allows everyone to work on the same project without interfering with everyone else’s work. You then “commit” your changes, then “push” to the remote server, where your team mates can “pull” your changes. Make sense? If it doesn’t don’t worry I will be explaining all of the commands in detail in later tutorials.
Beyond that many companies look at software developer’s Github account when making hiring decisions so git serves as your CV. This tutorial will show you how to set up git on Linux operating systems as both Mac and Windows have visual installers here.
Installing Git From The Command Line Debian Linux
Open up the command line and type in the following commands (may have to run as sudo)
apt-get install git-all
Installing Git From The Command Line Fedora Linux
Open up the command line and type in the following commands (may have to run as sudo)
yum install git-all
There you are all set. You are now ready to begin your software journey with git in your tool belt. In the next series I will be showing you the process of starting a git repository and adding commits to it. If you haven’t already subscribe to my blog via email to get all the latest posts from my page.
Git Cheat Sheet$5.00