
  • From Coder to Creator: How AI Will Revolutionize My Workflow in 2024!
    Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the journey from coder to creator has taken on new dimensions with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). As a developer immersed in this rapidly changing field, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of AI in revolutionizing traditional coding workflows. In 2024, I find myself at the… Read more: From Coder to Creator: How AI Will Revolutionize My Workflow in 2024!
  • Exploring the Difference Between Artificial Life and Biological Life in AI Ethics
    Discover the intriguing realm of artificial life and biological life in the context of AI ethics. Explore the distinctions between these two forms of life, from their origins and replication to their autonomy and consciousness. Delve into the ethical considerations surrounding the creation and treatment of artificial life, including the granting of rights and the potential consequences of introducing these life forms into society. Gain insights into the philosophical and metaphysical perspectives on artificial life and its relationship to biological life. Join us as we navigate the boundaries of AI ethics and reflect on our role as creators and stewards of life. Dive into this thought-provoking discussion today!
  • 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Augment Your Engineering Team
    ChatGPT is an AI language model that can help engineering teams in a number of ways, from speeding up research and development to improving code quality and documentation. It can provide accurate and informative insights and suggestions on various tasks like research and development, code reviews, documentation, testing and quality assurance, and productivity. By integrating ChatGPT into your workflow, your team can become more efficient and effective, allowing you to build better software more quickly and with less effort.
  • Implementing a Neural Network Using Raw JavaScript
    Quite some time ago I implemented a neural network multi-class classifier using raw JavaScript. The implementation had a single hidden layer of nodes… Implementing a Neural Network Using Raw JavaScript
  • Create A ChatGPT Discord Bot With Slash Commands
    In this tutorial I create a Discord ChatGPT OpenAI bot. You can run it as a Docker container or build from source!

Introduction The Source Code Package.json Index.js Commands Docker File GitHub Actions Usage Via Node Usage Via Docker Adding ChatGPT and OpenAI To Your Discord Server I love writing Discord bots, my favorite one was the Discord Twitter Bot. Now that ChatGPT API is available to developers I decided to create an OpenAI ChatGPT discord bot in Node.js and share the source code with you. This
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HTML and IoT The WebIot Package- Web NFC- Web Bluetooth- Web Serial- Web USB Current Browser Limitations The Source Code- Project Init- The index.js file- The WebIOT Class- The USBManager- The SerialManager- The BluetoothManager- The NFCManager Examples- USB Example- Serial Example- Bluetooth Example- NFC Example HTML and IoT IoT has been increasing in relevance over the past decade. The idea of
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Intro What Is HTTP/3 Dissecting The WebTransport Class WebTransport Use Cases Why I Created ShakePort The Code People Are SLEEPING on WebTransport! Of all my favorite HTML APIs the WebTransport API is definitely TOP 3. MDN explains the WebTransport API as such: The WebTransport interface of the WebTransport API provides functionality to enable a user agent to connect to an HTTP/3 server, initiate reliable and unreliable transport
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I Created A Laravel 10 OpenAI ChatGPT Composer Package In my last tutorial, I created a Laravel site that featured an OpenAI ChatGPT API. This was very fun to create and while I was thinking of ways to improve it, the idea dawned upon me to make it a Composer package and share it with the
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